public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush

Class Overview

Main class of the WonderPush SDK.

You would normally only interact with this class, which has all static members.

Make sure you properly installed the WonderPush SDK, as described in the guide.

You must call initialize(Context) before using any other function.

Troubleshooting tip: As the SDK should not interfere with your application other than when a notification is to be shown, make sure to monitor your logs for the WonderPush tag during development, if things did not went as smoothly as they should have.


String INTENT_INTIALIZED Local intent broadcasted when the WonderPush SDK has been initialized and network is reachable.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_ACTION Intent action for notification button action `method`.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_AUTHORITY Intent authority for notification button action `method`.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_EXTRA_ARG Intent query parameter key for the notification button action `method` argument.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_EXTRA_METHOD Intent query parameter key for the notification button action `method` method name.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_SCHEME Intent scheme for notification button action `method`.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED Local intent broadcasted when a push notification created by the WonderPush SDK has been opened.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED_EXTRA_FROM_USER_INTERACTION The extra key for whether the user clicked the notification or it was automatically opened by the SDK in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED_EXTRA_RECEIVED_PUSH_NOTIFICATION The extra key for the original received push notification intent in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN Local intent broadcasted when a push notification created by the WonderPush SDK is to be opened, but no activity is to be started.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_AUTOMATIC_OPEN The extra key denoting whether to automatically display a rich notification message in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_FROM_USER_INTERACTION The extra key for whether the user clicked the notification or it was automatically opened by the SDK in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE The extra key denoting the received push notification type, for a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATA The value associated to data push notifications (aka silent notifications), corresponding to the extra key INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE.
String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_RECEIVED_PUSH_NOTIFICATION The extra key for the original received push notification intent in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
Public Methods
static String getDeviceId()
Gets the device id, used to identify a single device across applications, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
static String getInstallationId()
Gets the device id, used to identify a single device across applications, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
static boolean getNotificationEnabled()
static String getPushToken()
Gets the push token, used to send notification to this installation.
static String getUserId()
Gets the user id, used to identify a single identity across multiple devices, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
static void initialize(Context context, String clientId, String clientSecret)
Initialize WonderPush from your WonderPushInitializer implementation.
static void initialize(Context context)
Initialize WonderPush.
static boolean isReady()
Whether the SDK is ready to operate and the INTENT_INTIALIZED intent has been dispatched.
static boolean onBroadcastReceived(Context context, Intent intent, int iconResource, Class<? extends Activity> activityClass)
Method to be called in your own Google Cloud Messaging BroadcastReceiver to handle WonderPush push notifications.
synchronized static void putInstallationCustomProperties(JSONObject customProperties)
Update the custom properties attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
static void setLogging(boolean enable)
static void setNotificationEnabled(boolean status)
static void setUserId(String userId)
Sets the user id, used to identify a single identity across multiple devices, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
static boolean showPotentialNotification(Activity activity, Intent intent)
Method to call on your onNewIntent() and onCreate() methods to handle the WonderPush notification.
static void trackEvent(String type)
Send an event to be tracked to WonderPush.
static void trackEvent(String type, JSONObject customData)
Send an event to be tracked to WonderPush.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String INTENT_INTIALIZED

Local intent broadcasted when the WonderPush SDK has been initialized and network is reachable.

Constant Value: "wonderpushInitialized"


Intent action for notification button action `method`.

Constant Value: "com.wonderpush.action.method"


Intent authority for notification button action `method`.

Constant Value: "action.method"


Intent query parameter key for the notification button action `method` argument.

Constant Value: "com.wonderpush.action.method.extra_arg"


Intent query parameter key for the notification button action `method` method name.

Constant Value: "com.wonderpush.action.method.extra_method"


Intent scheme for notification button action `method`.

Constant Value: "wonderpush"

public static final String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED

Local intent broadcasted when a push notification created by the WonderPush SDK has been opened.

Constant Value: "wonderpushNotificationOpened"


The extra key for whether the user clicked the notification or it was automatically opened by the SDK in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.

Constant Value: "wonderpushFromUserInteraction"


The extra key for the original received push notification intent in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.

Constant Value: "wonderpushReceivedPushNotification"

public static final String INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN

Local intent broadcasted when a push notification created by the WonderPush SDK is to be opened, but no activity is to be started. This let's you handle data notifications or any deep linking yourself.

Constant Value: "wonderpushNotificationWillOpen"


The extra key denoting whether to automatically display a rich notification message in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent. You can set this property to false in your BroadcastReceiver.

Constant Value: "wonderpushAutomaticOpen"


The extra key for whether the user clicked the notification or it was automatically opened by the SDK in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.

Constant Value: "wonderpushFromUserInteraction"


The extra key denoting the received push notification type, for a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent. You can test this property against INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATA in your BroadcastReceiver.

Constant Value: "wonderpushNotificationType"


The value associated to data push notifications (aka silent notifications), corresponding to the extra key INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE.

Constant Value: "data"


The extra key for the original received push notification intent in a INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.

Constant Value: "wonderpushReceivedPushNotification"

Public Methods

public static String getDeviceId ()

Gets the device id, used to identify a single device across applications, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.

You should not call this method before initializing the SDK.

Because of the way our device id is build, it is populated asynchronously, so you may get a null response even a few moments after calling initialize(Context). You can either wait a bit (1 second should be enough on modern devices), or wait for isReady() to return true, which may take some more time on the first launch, especially is the network connection is bad.

  • The device id, or null if the SDK is not initialized.

public static String getInstallationId ()

Gets the device id, used to identify a single device across applications, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.

You should not call this method before the SDK is ready.

  • The device id, or null if the SDK is not initialized.
See Also

public static boolean getNotificationEnabled ()

public static String getPushToken ()

Gets the push token, used to send notification to this installation.

You should not call this method before initializing the SDK.

  • The push token, or null if the installation is not yet registered to push notifications, or has not finished refreshing the push token after a forced update.

public static String getUserId ()

Gets the user id, used to identify a single identity across multiple devices, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.

You should not call this method before initializing the SDK.

  • The user id, which may be null for anonymous users.

public static void initialize (Context context, String clientId, String clientSecret)

Initialize WonderPush from your WonderPushInitializer implementation.

Prefer calling the simpler initialize(Context) function directly, as it will instantiate your WonderPushInitializer implementation which will in turn call this function. This way you concentrate the retrieval of your credentials from secure storage in a single location.

context The main Activity of your application, or failing that, the Application context. It must be the same activity that you declared in the <meta-data> tag under the WonderPush <receiver> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml.
clientId The clientId of your application.
clientSecret The clientSecret of your application.

public static void initialize (Context context)

Initialize WonderPush.
Call this method before using WonderPush.

A good place to initialize WonderPush is in your main activity's onCreate(Bundle) method as follows:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {

This function will instantiate the WonderPushInitializer implementation you provided in your AndroidManifest.xml.
Please look at that interface documentation for detailed instruction.

context The main Activity of your application, or failing that, the Application context. It must be the same activity that you declared in the <meta-data> tag under the WonderPush <receiver> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml.

public static boolean isReady ()

Whether the SDK is ready to operate and the INTENT_INTIALIZED intent has been dispatched. The SDK is ready when it is initialized and has fetched an access token.

public static boolean onBroadcastReceived (Context context, Intent intent, int iconResource, Class<? extends Activity> activityClass)

Method to be called in your own Google Cloud Messaging BroadcastReceiver to handle WonderPush push notifications.

Note: There is no need to call this method if you use WonderPushBroadcastReceiver, as advertised in the guide.

Implement your BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context, Intent) method as follows:

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    if (WonderPush.onBroadcastReceived(context, intent, R.drawable.icon, YourMainActivity.class)) {
    // Do your own handling here

For more information about Google Cloud Messaging visit:

context The current context.
intent The received intent.
iconResource The icon you want to show in the notification.
activityClass The activity class you want to start when the user touches the notification
  • true if handled, false otherwise.

public static synchronized void putInstallationCustomProperties (JSONObject customProperties)

Update the custom properties attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.

In order to remove a value, don't forget to use the JSONObject.NULL object as value.

customProperties The partial object containing only the properties to update.

public static void setLogging (boolean enable)

public static void setNotificationEnabled (boolean status)

public static void setUserId (String userId)

Sets the user id, used to identify a single identity across multiple devices, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.

If not called, the last used user id it assumed. Defaulting to null if none is known.

Prefer calling this method just before calling initialize(Context), rather than just after.

Upon changing userId, the access token is wiped, so avoid unnecessary calls, like calling with null just before calling with a user id.

userId The user id, unique to your application. Use null for anonymous users.
You are strongly encouraged to use your own unique internal identifier.

public static boolean showPotentialNotification (Activity activity, Intent intent)

Method to call on your onNewIntent() and onCreate() methods to handle the WonderPush notification.

Starting from API 14, there is no need to call this method, but it won't hurt if you do.

This method is automatically called from within initialize(Context), so calling this method after calling initialize(Context) is useless.


 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
     // In case you call WonderPush.initialize() from your custom Application class,
     // and you target API < 14, you can either call WonderPush.initialize() once again here
     // or call this method instead.
     WonderPush.showPotentialNotification(this, getIntent());

 protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
     WonderPush.showPotentialNotification(this, intent);

activity The current Activity. Just give this.
intent The intent the activity received. Just give the intent you received in parameter, or give getIntent().
  • true if handled, false otherwise.

public static void trackEvent (String type)

Send an event to be tracked to WonderPush.

type The event type, or name. Event types starting with an @ character are reserved.

public static void trackEvent (String type, JSONObject customData)

Send an event to be tracked to WonderPush.

type The event type, or name. Event types starting with an @ character are reserved.
customData A JSON object containing custom properties to be attached to the event. Prefer using a few custom properties over a plethora of event type variants.