Namespace: Notification

WonderPushSDK. Notification



Returns the opt-in options currently in use.



Get the current subscription state.

WonderPushSDK#SubscriptionState | null


Update the opt-in options. Personalize and localize your opt-in message.

If your website is not served using HTTPS, the user will be asked to take one extra step using an external window to finalize its registration. This function let's you personalize every aspect of this process.

You can specify just a field or two that you wish to update, there is no need to give the whole object.

Name Type Description
options WonderPushSDK.Notification.OptInOptions

Partial configuration to merge with current options.

Type Definitions


  • Object
Name Type Description
modalBoxIcon string

URL to an image to use in the modal box next to the title.

Defaults to the notificationIcon init option.

modalBoxTitle string

Title of the modal box.

Defaults to the applicationName init option.

modalBoxMessage string

A message displayed in the modal box.

Defaults to We will send you personalized notifications.<br/>You can always unsubscribe at any time..

This is used after the user is asked the notification permission if an extra step is needed to finalize the subscription. Reassure the user and make him click the button to continue the subscription process using the external box.

modalBoxButton string

Label of the modal box button.

Defaults to Got it!.

This button takes the user to the external box to finalize the subscription.

modalBoxCancellable boolean

Whether the modal box can be dismissed.

Defaults to true.

If the modal box is shown as a result of an automatic prompt, this setting will be forced to true. Therefore this setting is used if you use the subscription switch or call WonderPushSDK.setNotificationEnabled() without an event.

externalBoxWidth number

Width of the external window used to finalize the subscription process.

Defaults to 500.

Keep is small but avoid scrollbars.

externalBoxHeight number

Height of the external window used to finalize the subscription process.

Defaults to 500.

Keep is small but avoid scrollbars.

externalBoxLogoUrl string

URL to an image to use in the external box.

Defaults to the notificationIcon init option.

Preferably use an HTTPS served image, if available, to prevent the HTTPS lock in the location bar from switching from green to yellow.

externalBoxLogoWidth number

Width of the logo displayed in the external box, in pixels.

Defaults to 90.

externalBoxLogoHeight number

Height of the logo displayed in the external box, in pixels.

Defaults to 90.

externalBoxProcessingMessage string

Message displayed in the external box during the subscription process.

Defaults to Subscribing....

externalBoxSuccessMessage string

Message displayed in the external box when the subscription completed successfully.

Defaults to Thanks for subscribing!.

externalBoxFailureMessage string

Message displayed in the external box when the subscription failed.

Defaults to Sorry, something went wrong..

externalBoxTooLongHint string

Message displayed in the external box when the subscription process takes too long, under the externalBoxProcessingMessage message.

Defaults to Poor connection or private browsing?.

The purpose of this message is to warn the user that slowness can be due to either poor network connectivity or slow connection, or that fact that he might be using private browsing (which cannot be detected).

externalBoxCloseHint string

Label of the close link displayed in the external box after the subscription process is over, under either the externalBoxSuccessMessage or externalBoxFailureMessage message.

Defaults to Close.

externalBoxCloseDelay number

How long to leave the external box open before automatically closing it, when the subscription process is over.

Defaults to 3000, 3 seconds.

Enter either a number positive of milliseconds, or 0 for no delay, or -1 to disable auto close.