All Classes and Interfaces

Encapsulates an In App Banner Message.
Encapsulates any button used in an In App Message.
Builder for Button
Encapsulates an In App Card Message.
Information-storing class for the hook called when the SDK is trying to open the appropriate deep-link.
Encapsulates an In App ImageOnly Message.
Encapsulates an In App Message.
The entry point of the In App Messaging headless SDK.
An interface you can implement and feed to InAppMessaging.addClickListener(InAppMessagingClickListener) in order to get called back when users click on in-app messages.
The interface that a IAM display class must implement.
An interface implemented by the in-app messaging SDK that gets passed to the InAppMessagingDisplay instance to allow reporting of clicks and views.
Describes how the user dismissed an in-app message.
Describes the common errors encountered when displaying in-app messages.
An interface you can implement in order to display messages when an error occurs during the presentation of an in-app message.
An interface you can implement and feed to InAppMessaging.addImpressionListener(InAppMessagingImpressionListener) in order to get called back when users see an in-app message.
Template type of an in-app message
Encapsulates an In App Modal Message.
Encapsulates any text used in an In App Message.
Builder for Text
Main class of the WonderPush SDK.
Default no-op implementation of the WonderPushDelegate for easy implementation.
A representation of settings that apply to a collection of similarly themed notifications.
A grouping of related notification channels.
The interface of the WonderPush SDK delegate you can implement for a tighter integration.
Interface for the self-initialization of the SDK, if automatic initialization is not used.
Manage Android notification channel and user preferences.