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addClickListener(InAppMessagingClickListener) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Registers a click listener with IAM, which will be notified on every IAM click
addClickListener(InAppMessagingClickListener, Executor) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Registers a click listener with IAM, which will be notified on every IAM click, and triggered on the provided executor
addDisplayErrorListener(InAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Registers a display error listener with IAM, which will be notified on every IAM display error
addDisplayErrorListener(InAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener, Executor) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Registers a display error listener with IAM, which will be notified on every IAM display error, and triggered on the provided executor
addImpressionListener(InAppMessagingImpressionListener) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Registers an impression listener with IAM, which will be notified on every IAM impression
addImpressionListener(InAppMessagingImpressionListener, Executor) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Registers an impression listener with IAM, which will be notified on every IAM impression, and triggered on the provided executor
addProperty(String, Object) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Adds the value to a given property attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
addTag(String...) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Add one or more tags to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
API Reference - Search tag in Overview
areMessagesSuppressed() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Determine whether messages are suppressed or not.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType


BANNER - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
BannerMessage - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates an In App Banner Message.
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.BannerPosition
build() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button.Builder
build() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
builder() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text
Builder() - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text.Builder
Button - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates any button used in an In App Message.
Button(Text, String) - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
Button.Builder - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Builder for Button


CARD - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
CardMessage - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates an In App Card Message.
clearAll() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
clearAllData() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Remove any local storage and ask the WonderPush servers to delete any data associated with the all local installations and related users.
clearDisplayListener() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Remove previously registered display listeners.
clearEventsHistory() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Ask the WonderPush servers to delete any event associated with the all local installations.
clearPreferences() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Ask the WonderPush servers to delete any custom data associated with the all local installations and related users.
CLICK - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType
clickTracked(InAppMessage, String) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingClickListener
Called when `trackClick` was called on the display callback, along with the buttonLabel that triggered it.
clone() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
clone() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
com.wonderpush.sdk - package com.wonderpush.sdk
WonderPush SDK package.
com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging - package com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model - package com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
create(NotificationMetadata, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
create(NotificationMetadata, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
create(NotificationMetadata, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
create(NotificationMetadata, JSONObject, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage


DeepLinkEvent - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk
Information-storing class for the hook called when the SDK is trying to open the appropriate deep-link.
Demo application - Search tag in Overview
disableGeolocation() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Disables the collection of the user's geolocation.
displayErrorEncountered(InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks
Report display errors.
displayErrorEncountered(InAppMessage, InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener
The implementation should optionally display an error message to the user.
displayInAppMessage(InAppMessage) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
displayMessage(InAppMessage, InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks, long) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplay
Called when an in-app message should be displayed.
downloadAllData() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Exports all data stored locally and on WonderPush servers and then starts a sharing activity for the user to save it.


enableGeolocation() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Enables the collection of the user's geolocation.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup


fetchInAppConfig(InAppMessaging.JSONObjectHandler) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.InAppMessagingDelegate
fromJSON(JSONObject) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button.Builder
fromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
fromJSON(JSONObject) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text.Builder
fromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text


getAccessToken() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the access token, used to grant access to the current installation to the WonderPush REST API.
getActions() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
Gets the ActionModels associated with this message
getActions() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
Gets the ActionModels associated with this message
getActions() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
Gets the ActionModels associated with this message
getBackgroundHexColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
Gets the background hex color associated with this message
getBackgroundHexColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the background hex color associated with this message
getBackgroundHexColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
Gets the background hex color associated with this message
getBannerPosition() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
Gets the InAppMessage.BannerPosition associated with this message
getBody() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
Gets the body Text associated with this message
getBody() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the body Text associated with this message
getBody() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
Gets the body Text associated with this message
getButton() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
getButtonHexColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
Gets the background hex color associated with this button
getButtonType(List<ActionModel>) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
getButtonType(List<ActionModel>) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
getButtonType(List<ActionModel>) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
getButtonType(List<ActionModel>) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
getButtonType(List<ActionModel>) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
getBypassDnd() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Whether or not notifications posted to this channel can bypass the Do Not Disturb NotificationManager.INTERRUPTION_FILTER_PRIORITY mode.
getChannel(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Get a channel.
getChannelGroup(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Get a channel group.
getCloseButtonPosition() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
getCloseButtonPosition() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
getColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the color to impose on all notifications posted to this channel.
getContext() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.DeepLinkEvent
The context we are running in.
getCountry() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the user's country, either as previously stored, or as guessed from the system.
getCurrency() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the user's currency, either as previously stored, or as guessed from the system.
getData() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
getDefaultChannelId() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Get the default channel id.
getDelegate() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns the configured delegate, or null if none was set.
getDescription() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the user visible description of this channel.
getDeviceId() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the device id, used to identify a single device, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
getEntryAnimation() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
getExitAnimation() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
getGroupId() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns what group this channel belongs to.
getHexColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text
Gets the hex color of this text
getId() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the id of this channel.
getId() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
Returns the id of this channel group.
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
Gets the URL of the image associated with this message
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
Gets the image associated with this message
getImageUrl() - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.InAppMessageWithImage
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
Gets the image associated with this message
getImportance() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the user specified importance for notifications posted to this channel.
getInstallationCustomProperties() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
getInstallationId() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the device id, used to identify a single device across applications, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Get InAppMessaging instance
getLandscapeImageUrl() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the image displayed when the phone is in a landcscape orientation
getLightColor() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the notification light color for notifications posted to this channel, if lights are enabled on this channel and the device supports that feature.
getLights() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether notifications posted to this channel trigger notification lights.
getLocale() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the user's locale, either as previously stored, or as guessed from the system.
getLocalOnly() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether notifications posted to this channel should be local to this device.
getLockscreenVisibility() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether or not notifications posted to this channel are shown on the lockscreen in full or redacted form.
getLogging() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Whether debug logging is enabled.
getMessageDisplayComponent() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Returns the current display component.
getMessageType() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
Gets the MessageType of the message
getName() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the user visible name of this channel.
getName() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
Returns the user visible name of this channel group.
getNotificationEnabled() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
getNotificationMetadata() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
Gets the NotificationMetadata of the message
getPortraitImageUrl() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the image displayed when the phone is in a portrait orientation
getPresenceManager() - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.InAppMessagingDelegate
getPrimaryActions() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the primary ActionModels associated with this message.
getPrimaryButton() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
getProperties() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns the latest known properties attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
getPropertyValue(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns the value of a given property attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
getPropertyValues(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns an immutable list of the values of a given property attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
getPushToken() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the push token, used to send notification to this installation.
getSecondaryActions() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the secondary ActionModels associated with this message
getSecondaryButton() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
getShowBadge() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether notifications posted to this channel can appear as badges in a Launcher application.
getSound() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether a sound should be played for notifications posted to this channel.
getSoundUri() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the notification sound for this channel.
getTags() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns all the tags of the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
getText() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
Gets the Text associated with this button
getText() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text
Gets the text
getTimeZone() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the user's time zone, either as previously stored, or as guessed from the system.
getTitle() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
Gets the title Text associated with this message
getTitle() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
Gets the title Text associated with this message
getTitle() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
Gets the title Text associated with this message
getUrl() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.DeepLinkEvent
The deep-link we are to open.
getUserConsent() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns whether user consent has already provided consent.
getUserId() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Gets the user id, used to identify a single identity across multiple devices, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
getVibrate() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether notifications posted to this channel always vibrate.
getVibrateInSilentMode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns whether notifications posted to this channel vibrate if the device is in silent mode.
getVibrationPattern() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel.
getWebViewUrl() - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.InAppMessageWithWebView


handle(JSONObject, Throwable) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.JSONObjectHandler
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.BannerMessage
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.CardMessage
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ImageOnlyMessage
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.ModalMessage
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
hashCode() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
hasTag(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Test whether the current installation has the given tag attached to it.


IMAGE_DISPLAY_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
IMAGE_FETCH_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
IMAGE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
IMAGE_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
ImageOnlyMessage - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates an In App ImageOnly Message.
impressionDetected() - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks
Log the impression
impressionDetected(InAppMessage) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingImpressionListener
Impression detected
InAppMessage - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates an In App Message.
InAppMessage(NotificationMetadata, MessageType, JSONObject, IamAnimator.EntryAnimation, IamAnimator.ExitAnimation) - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage
InAppMessage.BannerPosition - Enum Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
InAppMessage.ButtonType - Enum Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
InAppMessage.CloseButtonPosition - Enum Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
InAppMessage.InAppMessageWithImage - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
InAppMessage.InAppMessageWithWebView - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
InAppMessaging - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
The entry point of the In App Messaging headless SDK.
InAppMessaging.InAppMessagingDelegate - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
InAppMessaging.JSONObjectHandler - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
InAppMessaging.PrivateController - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
InAppMessagingClickListener - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
An interface you can implement and feed to InAppMessaging.addClickListener(InAppMessagingClickListener) in order to get called back when users click on in-app messages.
InAppMessagingDisplay - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
The interface that a IAM display class must implement.
InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
An interface implemented by the in-app messaging SDK that gets passed to the InAppMessagingDisplay instance to allow reporting of clicks and views.
InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType - Enum Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
Describes how the user dismissed an in-app message.
InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason - Enum Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
Describes the common errors encountered when displaying in-app messages.
InAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
An interface you can implement in order to display messages when an error occurs during the presentation of an in-app message.
InAppMessagingImpressionListener - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging
An interface you can implement and feed to InAppMessaging.addImpressionListener(InAppMessagingImpressionListener) in order to get called back when users see an in-app message.
inAppViewedReceipts() - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.InAppMessagingDelegate
initialize(Application, InternalEventTracker, InAppMessaging.InAppMessagingDelegate) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Internal method.
initialize(Context) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Initialize WonderPush.
initialize(Context) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushInitializer
Initialize the WonderPush SDK with your client id and client secret.
initialize(Context, String, String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Initialize WonderPush from your WonderPushInitializer implementation.
INSIDE - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.CloseButtonPosition
INTENT_EVENT_TRACKED - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Local intent broadcast when an event is tracked by the WonderPush SDK.
INTENT_EVENT_TRACKED_CUSTOM_DATA - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent extra key holding custom data serialized as JSON of event being tracked.
INTENT_EVENT_TRACKED_EVENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent extra key holding the type of event being tracked.
INTENT_EVENT_TRACKED_OCCURRENCES - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent extra key holding occurences data serialized as JSON of event being tracked.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_ACTION - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent action for notification button action `method`.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_AUTHORITY - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent authority for notification button action `method`.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_EXTRA_ARG - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent query parameter key for the notification button action `method` argument.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_EXTRA_METHOD - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent query parameter key for the notification button action `method` method name.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ACTION_METHOD_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Intent scheme for notification button action `method`.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Local intent broadcasted when a push notification created by the WonderPush SDK has been opened.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED_EXTRA_BUTTON_INDEX - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key indicating which action button the user clicked on the notification in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED_EXTRA_FROM_USER_INTERACTION - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for whether the user clicked the notification or it was automatically opened by the SDK in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_MODEL - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for the parsed notification in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED_EXTRA_RECEIVED_PUSH_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for the original received push notification intent in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_OPENED intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Local intent broadcasted when a push notification created by the WonderPush SDK is to be opened, but no activity is to be started.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_AUTOMATIC_OPEN - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key denoting whether to automatically display a rich notification message in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_BUTTON_INDEX - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key indicating which action button the user clicked on the notification in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_FROM_USER_INTERACTION - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for whether the user clicked the notification or it was automatically opened by the SDK in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_MODEL - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for the parsed notification in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key denoting the received push notification type, for a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DATA - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The value associated to data push notifications (aka silent notifications), corresponding to the extra key WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE.
INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN_EXTRA_RECEIVED_PUSH_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for the original received push notification intent in a WonderPush.INTENT_NOTIFICATION_WILL_OPEN intent.
INTENT_PUSH_TOKEN_CHANGED - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Local intent broadcasted when the push token has changed.
INTENT_PUSH_TOKEN_CHANGED_EXTRA_OLD_KNOWN_PUSH_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for the previously known push token, can be null.
INTENT_PUSH_TOKEN_CHANGED_EXTRA_PUSH_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
The extra key for the new push token, can be null.
isSubscribedToNotifications() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Returns whether push notification are enabled.


messageClicked(InAppMessage, List<ActionModel>) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingClickListener
Called when a message is tapped (ie: button, in the modal view) and which actions were triggered.
messageClicked(List<ActionModel>) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks
Log the click, passing along the corresponding actions.
messageDismissed(InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks
Log the dismiss
MessageType - Enum Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Template type of an in-app message
MODAL - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
ModalMessage - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates an In App Modal Message.


NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.CloseButtonPosition


onNotificationOpened(JSONObject, int) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushDelegate
Hook called when a notification is clicked.
onNotificationReceived(JSONObject) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushDelegate
Hook called when a notification is received
onReady(InAppMessaging.PrivateController) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.InAppMessagingDelegate
OUTSIDE - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.CloseButtonPosition


pause() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.PrivateController
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.ButtonType
PrivateController() - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.PrivateController
putChannel(WonderPushChannel) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Create or update a channel.
putChannelGroup(WonderPushChannelGroup) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Create or update a channel group.
putInstallationCustomProperties(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
putProperties(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Update the properties attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.


removeAllTags() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Remove all tags from the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
removeChannel(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Remove a channel.
removeChannelGroup(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Remove a channel group.
removeClickListener(InAppMessagingClickListener) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Unregisters a click listener
removeDisplayErrorListener(InAppMessagingDisplayErrorListener) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Unregisters a display error listener
removeImpressionListener(InAppMessagingImpressionListener) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Unregisters an impression listener
removeProperty(String, Object) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Removes the value from a given property attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
removeTag(String...) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Remove one or more tags from the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
resume() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging.PrivateController


SECONDARY - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.ButtonType
setButtonHexColor(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button.Builder
setBypassDnd(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether or not notifications posted to this channel can interrupt the user in NotificationManager.INTERRUPTION_FILTER_PRIORITY mode.
setChannelGroups(Collection<WonderPushChannelGroup>) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Create, update and remove channel existing groups to match the given channel groups.
setChannels(Collection<WonderPushChannel>) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Create, update and remove channels to match the given channels.
setColor(Integer) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the color to impose on all notifications posted to this channel.
setContext(Context) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushDelegate
Override this method to store the context in your implementation if needed.
setCountry(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Overrides the user's country.
setCurrency(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Overrides the user's currency.
setDefaultChannelId(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
Set the default channel id.
setDelegate(WonderPushDelegate) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Configures a delegate for tighter integration with the SDK.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the user visible description of this channel.
setGeolocation(Location) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Overrides the user's geolocation.
setHexColor(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text.Builder
setImportance(Integer) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the level of interruption of this notification channel.
setIntegrator(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Sets the framework, library or wrapper used for integration.
setLightColor(Integer) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Returns the notification light color for notifications posted to this channel.
setLights(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether notifications posted to this channel should display notification lights, on devices that support that feature.
setLocale(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Overrides the user's locale.
setLocalOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether notifications posted to this channel should be local to this device.
setLockscreenVisibility(Integer) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether notifications posted to this channel appear on the lockscreen or not, and if so, whether they appear in a redacted form.
setLogging(boolean) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Whether to enable debug logging.
setMessageDisplayComponent(InAppMessagingDisplay) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Called to set a new message display component for IAM SDK.
setMessagesSuppressed(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Enable or disable suppression of In App Messaging messages
setName(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the user visible name of this channel.
setName(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
Sets the user visible name of this channel group.
setNotificationEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
setProperty(String, Object) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Sets the value to a given property attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
setRequiresUserConsent(boolean) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Sets whether user consent is required before the SDK is allowed to work.
setShowBadge(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether notifications posted to this channel can appear as application icon badges in a Launcher.
setSound(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether a sound should be played for notifications posted to this channel.
setSoundUri(Uri) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the sound that should be played for notifications posted to this channel and its audio attributes.
setText(Text) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Button.Builder
setText(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text.Builder
setTimeZone(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Overrides the user's timeZone.
setUserConsent(boolean) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Provides or withdraws user consent.
setUserId(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Sets the user id, used to identify a single identity across multiple devices, and to correctly identify multiple users on a single device.
setVibrate(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate.
setVibrateInSilentMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets whether notifications posted to this channel vibrate if the device is in silent mode.
setVibrationPattern(long[]) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Sets the vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel.
subscribeToNotifications() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Enables push notifications for the current device.
subscribeToNotifications(boolean) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Enables push notifications for the current device
SWIPE - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType


Text - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Encapsulates any text used in an In App Message.
Text(String, String) - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.Text
Text.Builder - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model
Builder for Text
TOP - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.BannerPosition
toString() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.DeepLinkEvent
toString() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
toString() - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
trackClick(String) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks
Log the click, passing along the corresponding buttonLabel.
trackEvent(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Send an event to be tracked to WonderPush.
trackEvent(String, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Send an event to be tracked to WonderPush.
triggerEvent(String) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging
Tell the in-app messaging SDK that an event of the given type was triggered.


UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.ButtonType
UNKNOWN_DISMISS_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType
unsetProperty(String) - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Removes the value of a given property attached to the current installation object stored by WonderPush.
UNSPECIFIED_RENDER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
unsubscribeFromNotifications() - Static method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPush
Disables push notifications for the current device.
UNSUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
urlForDeepLink(DeepLinkEvent) - Method in class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushAbstractDelegate
urlForDeepLink(DeepLinkEvent) - Method in interface com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushDelegate
Hook called when the SDK is trying to open a deep-link with the appropriate activity or service.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.BannerPosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.CloseButtonPosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingDismissType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.BannerPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.InAppMessage.CloseButtonPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WEBVIEW - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.model.MessageType
WEBVIEW_URL_FAILED_TO_LOAD - Enum constant in enum class com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessagingDisplayCallbacks.InAppMessagingErrorReason
WonderPush - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk
Main class of the WonderPush SDK.
WonderPushAbstractDelegate - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk
Default no-op implementation of the WonderPushDelegate for easy implementation.
WonderPushAbstractDelegate() - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushAbstractDelegate
WonderPush Android SDK Reference - Search tag in Overview
WonderPushChannel - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk
A representation of settings that apply to a collection of similarly themed notifications.
WonderPushChannel(String, String) - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannel
Create a notification channel.
WonderPushChannelGroup - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk
A grouping of related notification channels.
WonderPushChannelGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushChannelGroup
Creates a notification channel group.
WonderPushDelegate - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk
The interface of the WonderPush SDK delegate you can implement for a tighter integration.
WonderPushInitializer - Interface in com.wonderpush.sdk
Interface for the self-initialization of the SDK, if automatic initialization is not used.
WonderPushUserPreferences - Class in com.wonderpush.sdk
Manage Android notification channel and user preferences.
WonderPushUserPreferences() - Constructor for class com.wonderpush.sdk.WonderPushUserPreferences
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