wonderpush-webplugin-optin-dialog 1.3.14

WonderPush Web SDK plugin to present the user an opt-in dialog before prompting her for push permission.

Here is a screenshot of the default dialog shown to the user if no option is given:

![Screenshot of the plugin dialog](screenshot.png)

It appears centered on the top edge of the page and does not scroll with the page. The actual icon that will be show is the one you configured in the WonderPush dashboard.

How to use this plugin

From the WonderPush dashboard

Log in to your WonderPush dashboard and head over to the Settings / Configuration page in the left menu. Select the Website tab and use this plugin.

From the initialization options of the SDK

Change your call to WonderPush.init() to include the following, merging existing keys as necessary:

  plugins: {
    "optin-dialog": {
      // Add any option to customize the plugin as desired

You can find the reference of the options in the OptinDialog.Options section of the reference.


The available options are described in the OptinDialog.Options section of the reference.

The available API is described on the OptinDialog class.